Monday 19 October 2009

Story In Ramadan

In last Ramadan I and my friends decided to went trip in Oman Gulf and we stayed one night in the boat. In first day we visited Komzar Island and it was so beautiful and old because they still had the old life. We enjoyed when we were listening the people stories and their adventures.

After we finished the fishing on the stone coast Ahmad the captain decided to move to another place and my friend Khalid was still setting on edge of the boat. Suddenly the boat crashed something and shacked strongly and Khalid fall in the sea and the problem was he didn’t have the basic swimming skills.

Directly I jumped into the sea to save him from drowning. I became tiered because he was scared catching anything can help him. However, finally I saved him difficulty and we arrived the boat. When my friends check on us if we are good or not, my friend Hamad screamed "There is hole on the boat body the stones caused it", and we was thinking for solution. I remembered my uncle was working at coast guard directly I called him to help us.

After half hour they arrived and picked us to their boat. Although we had big problems we had fun and unique trip. Also the beautiful thing is we were like one body we helped together as he was his brother or son.

Friday 9 October 2009

The Haj

The Haj is the pilgrimage to Mecca. It should be the biggest pilgrimage in the world. Haj is also the fifth pillar of Islam. Every Muslim must do it as a minimum in their life. They should vaccinate to protect them from epidemics.

Firstly, on the first day they go to Mecca to do first Tawaf, walking around Ka'aba anticlockwise seven times. After that, they spend the rest of day in Mina which has a thousand tents to stay in . Moreover, the second day they move from Mina to Arafa where they pray and read the Quran near a hill where Prophet Mohammed gave his last sermon, called ( Jabal Al Rahmah ). Pilgrim stay from afternoon until to sunset and then they did spend the time praying and thinking about their life wrong they did and ask Allah to forgive them. Furthermore, after sunset they leave Arafa to Muzdalefa for the Pilgrimages to collect stones for stoning the devil and sleep on the ground or their tents. After that, in Mina they perform the Ramy Al Jamarat, stoning for the devil for three days each time they throw seven stones. Also they slaughter on Eid Al Adha animals like sheep or cows or camels to give charity. In Eid Al Adha before Ramy Al Jamarat they go to Mecca and do Tawaf Al Efadhah. Finally, they finish all these Pilgrimages back to Mecca and do Tawaf Al Wada'a.

To summaries, Haj teaches Pilgrims many useful lessons like humility because all of them are wearing Ihram so you can't make difference between those who are rich and the poor. Also they learn Patient.